Experience More Peak Moments in the Midst of Transition

Sports Life Coaching


Life has peaks and valleys. You can have mountaintop wins and deep valley losses. Sometimes these are seasons that last months or years, and sometimes it's the journey getting there.  But what's incredible about getting to a mountaintop is not just being on top -- it's also getting there. Climbing to the top of Mount Everest is incredible, but so is getting to the top -- and the climb isn't easy!

In life, we can either loathe that climb or learn to love it. As you move through life and learn how to climb each mountain and take each valley in stride, the way you approach the climb (or the fall) are a big part of life. My goal is to help you have more 'peak moments' and to feel fearless about the valleys that may come your way. I want you to have as many peak moments as possible by  embracing challenges, acknowledging personal truths, and equipping yourself with confidence and tools that empower you to ascend as many peaks as possible while moving through and learning from the losses.

Transitions and hardship can become peak moments -- if you train for them.

Jane Cebrynski Life Coach


Years of


A decade of experience in growth & empowerment

Peak performance starts from the inside. As a driven individual myself, I learned this again and again as I sent myself through cycles of burnout in work and personal life. Tired of feeling stuck, exhausted, and misaligned with what I wanted my life to be, I knew it was time for me to put in the work to achieve total transformation.

Determined not to be in that place again, I spent years putting in the personal and professional effort to train my mind, body, and spirit for the life of meaning and fulfillment I always knew was out there.

I have the honor of bringing this knowledge to all kinds of driven individuals who want to have more peak moments in life, tap into their true potential, and become more aligned with the person they want to be.

Specialties for 1-1 Coaching

Better Beyond the Break

Transition by definition is the process or period of changing from one state or condition to another. While change of any kind can be difficult, a transition from marriage or even a long-term breakup can bring about a breadth and depth of changes that can affect every aspect of your life: spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially. My signature approach helps you:

  • Get support in a safe space to heal your heart
  • Have hope for a better life beyond the break
  • Get coached to embrace change and understand grief
  • Gain valuable tools for emotional and energy management
  • Experience the power of honoring what matters to you in a new season
  • Create a game plan for moving forward

Career & Career Transition

Are you looking to “level up,” reenter the workforce, or start over in one form or another? Are you in a great place and want to keep getting better? Are you feeling “stuck” in your present job and need tools and strategies to move forward? Are you ready to go for something different?

Career transitions can involve a range of emotions from excitement and fear to experiencing grief and a loss of identity.

  • Get coached to discover your strengths as a currency
  • Discover your winning strategies for communication
  • Learn how to leverage the truth of your story for maximum potential
  • Experience the power of rituals and routines for optimum performance
  • Find greater meaning in your work for peak performance
  • Explore identity and grief and get the skills and tools to grow through it

Brooke Boone Kelly, CFP

Wealth Management Advisor

"Jane's calm demeanor and words of encouragement made me feel an instant sense of relief and comfort. With sports playing a big role in my life, the use of sports in her coaching was the cherry on top. In a few short months, she has given me new thinking, new skills and new hope to live a life of intention and be in the present moment. I no longer struggle with burnout and physically feel 100% better. The best investment I have ever made has been working on myself with Jane. She is simply the best and I’m lucky to call her my coach.

Get a glimpse into the GROWTH method behind my work as a Sports Life Coach

Jane Cebrynski Life Coach Empowered for Growth Scottsdale


Grounding & Goals

“Who are you?”Grounding is a way for us to connect to ourselves in order to bring out our strengths and greatest gifts. Mindfulness, meditation, and breathwork are strategies that stir up that inner knowing, clear space, and create the calm needed to start identifying and working towards our goals.



Replaying the past doesn't usually serve us. Reflection is a winning strategy because it gives us the ability to look back with a growth mindset. Through our reflections, we gain new perspectives, and learn, which leads to reframing, rethinking, and reinvention for growth.


Obstacles & Opportunities

Recognizing and acknowledging the obstacles hindering our performance and our ability to live a fulfilled life is a critical step to achieving growth. It’s not just about identifying the obstacles but finding the opportunity that motivates us to take action to achieve our goals and desired outcomes for a peak life.


Why? & Way Forward

There is always a way forward and it can be facilitated by going inward and asking Why? Why does this matter? Why is it important? Sitting with the questions in stillness allows us to listen to our internal voice, the compass that gives us insight and wisdom that can help us navigate a way forward. It is within the stillness that our internal voice is the loudest. And we must be open to listening.



Our life stories are powerful. Life can be messy, beautiful, ugly, joyful, and sad… and when we begin to understand our story, we can own our truth. The truth sets us free. Free to be our most authentic, vulnerable, imperfect, loveable selves. When we own our truths, we can choose how we want to change and grow, and we can share with others so they can better understand who we are and what we value.



Our heart serves as an anchor tethered by the roots of love. Our hearts can harden and soften based on our lived experiences. Thus, our attitude is a direct reflection of our hearts. How we love ourselves is how we love others. To be anchored in the roots of love, we honor what matters most and embrace compassion and connection in all that we do – both toward ourselves, and toward others.


  • What is a sports life coach?

    A Sports Life Coach uses the language and methodology of sport to coach you in your life just as intentionally as athletes training for sport. Sports Life Coaching doesn't mean you'll do actual push-ups during a session, but it can mean that we do some mental push-ups together as we train your mind and spirit!

  • Why do you call your sessions workouts?

    Each coaching session is called a workout because just as in sports, we are training. We are working together to achieve your desired results. And like a physical workout, it can leave you tired, exhausted, wanting to quit, and also exhilarated.

  • How long are your sessions?

    Each workout varies depending on the individual and desired outcomes. We will start with :60 minutes and then evaluate if your training can be effective in :30 or :15 intervals.

  • How long should I get coached?

    The length of coaching depends on your desired outcomes and goals.  Training for your life is a process that takes intentional focus, repetition, and commitment to a plan.  I recommend no less than four coaching workouts.

  • What is your rate?

    My rate is $175/hour for 1:1 coaching. Group and corporate rates vary and will be handled on an individualized basis. Please email me at janec@efg-coaching.com

  • Workout Cancellation Policy

    I respect the need to cancel. However, I ask that a minimum of 48 hours is given with an attempt to reschedule. No refunds will be given for cancellations that occur within 12 hours of your scheduled workout. I understand there may be extenuating circumstances and those will always be taken into consideration. 

  • Confidentiality

    All workouts are completely confidential and private. Workouts are recorded with your approval and are for your use only as a way to review what was discussed and learned.

Start Training for Life Now

The guidance you need to tackle transition head-on is here for you. Don't waste time asking yourself who you would be if you bet on yourself -- find out!